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Qualifications & Ranches


All participating ranches will be chosen by invitation only. The participating ranches may recommend new ranches, but the final selection and invitation will be made and extended by the Western Heritage Classic Executive Committee. Invitations will be extended from year to year.
1. The ranch must have historical significance.
2. The ranch must presently be a working ranch, which is defined as any ranch which has a minimum of 300 mother cows or 500 yearlings and owning or operating a minimum of 10,000 acres of land.
3. One half (1/2) of the team must be comprised of ranch owners, family members or full time employees. A full time employee is defined as having worked for the ranch the preceding calendar year and must be employed by the ranch at the time of the rodeo. No more than half (1/2) of the team may be day workers. A day worker is defined as an individual who has earned at least $2,000 cash wages while working cattle (contract labor such as welding, fencing or horse showing is not acceptable) during the previous calendar year.
4. A team will be made up of no less than four (4) and no more than eight (8) members, including alternates. Each member must be at least 16 years of age by May 1. Only six (6) awards will be given by Western Heritage Classic. The winning ranch may purchase all additional awards at the same cost paid by Western Heritage Classic.
5. With prior approval by the Executive Committee teams may be formed by combining otherwise qualifying owners and employees from no more than two (2) ranches.
6. The information supporting ownership, family members, full time and day workers must be submitted to the Expo Center office no later than February 15 of each year. This information can be in the form of W-2’s, 1099’s or certification from the ranch accounting firm.
7. An independent committee will review the above stated information. No ranch team members will serve on this committee.
effective Oct. 1998
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