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Chuckwagon Cookoff Sponsored by H-E-B

Date: May 10, 2025
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Cost: $20.00
Take a trip back in time to the cattle drive era as chuck wagons from across the southwest vie for Cookoff Champion titles. The cook-off participants will be evaluated for upholding exceptional flavor of the prepared food and the authenticity of their chuckwagon. This evaluation also includes equipment and campsites customary to the cattle drive era. Food division categories include meat, bean, potato, bread and a fruit dessert. Winners and awards are traditionally announced at 3:00 pm on Saturday. Lunch tickets will go on sale April 7th, 2025 at 10:00 AM.
The Chuckwagon Cookoff Rules and application and RV application are in the link below.

2025 Chuckwagon Cookoff Rules and Application

2025 Chuckwagon RV Application


American Hat Company
Tony Lama

2024 Results

1 of 8


Wagons should be historically correct, authentically restored, or authentic replicas, drivable, with wagon bed at least two sideboards high, painted or unpainted, with or without Dutch oven boot or possum belly. Iron wheeled, or rubber-tired wagons will not be eligible to compete nor are those with an iron tongue or pipe tongue, iron or pipe bows, or with farm wagon type double or single tree.

Authenticity Scoring

  • Overall Impression:Includes overall camp layout, which must be neat and functional.
  • Cooking utensils used are to be authentic, made of cast iron, copper, brass or graniteware.
  • No plastic or stainless steel.
  • Tents, cowboy teepees and bedrolls must be canvas.
  • Period saddles and bedrolls should be used if you intend to display them.
  • You must be able to load everything into your wagon.
  • Period clothing is required by all team members, including hats. No caps.
  • Sound and Drivable Condition:Reflects the ability of the wagon to be pulled with a team. Judges will review wheels, wagon soundness and other characteristics that impact thewagon’s ability to be pulled.
  • Brakes:A complete, working brake system.
  • Wagon Seat:The wagon should have a spring-mounted seat.
  • Bows and Sheet:Must have 4 or 5 mounted wooden bows, no iron or pipe bows.
  • Commercial names and/or Logos are prohibited.
  • Chuck Box:Old-style chuck box, no plywood.Chuck box and tailgate must be functional.Chuck box should contain the appropriate utensils and food supplies.
  • Water Barrel:Wood barrel (30 – 50 gallon) must have ability to hold water.Tie-down will be inspected and must be serviceable for crew use.Must have long handled dipper made of tin, graniteware or gourd.
  • Coffee Grinder:Must be a functional hand-crank grinder mounted on wagon.
  • Tongue and Harness:Must have a complete wooden tongue assembly with tongue cap, neck yoke or tongue chains, doubletrees and singletrees, wheel wrench and stay chains.Condition of tongue will be inspected and must be functional.Must have a team harness for two horse or mule hitch displayed on the wagon tongue.
  • Cooking Equipment: Copper, brass, cast iron, and some old aluminum. Coffee pots and cups must be graniteware or tin. Forks, knives and spoons must be German or nickel silver, steel, or steel with wood or bone handles, or granite enamelware. A meat saw, cleaver and clock. Large metal cans with tight lids for flour, cornmeal, sugar and beans. Metal or wooden boxes, sourdough kegs or crooks. Flour sacks for aprons and dish towels. Dish pans or small tubs. Dutch ovens, pothooks, and pot racks to set over fire.
  • Tools of the Trade: Heavy hammer, single or double bit axe, a two-man crosscut saw, a brace and bits and a drawing knife, stake pins, rawhide, and rope hobbles, rope horse pens.


2025 Chuck Wagon Cook Off
2025 Chuck Wagon Cook Off
May 10, 2025 | 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
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